Convert Data to Procare
  • 09 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Convert Data to Procare

Article Summary

For non-Cloud Customers: We’ll convert your data to Procare from SchoolLeader, Childcare Manager, or other supported child care management systems. Follow these instructions ONLY if you received a link to this page from Procare; otherwise, please Contact Procare Support for assistance.

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Prepare the data in your current program so it is ready for conversion.

These steps are specific to SchoolLeader:

  1. Close the Accounting Period: If you are converting from SchoolLeader, it’s important that you close the Accounting Period so each family’s balance is correctly calculated. To get there in SchoolLeader, go to Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Close A/R Accounting Period.
  2. Immunizations/Vaccinations: If you are converting from SchoolLeader, please make sure the Student Vaccine Schedule has each shot in a sequence named exactly the same; for example, you’ll want 3 occurrences of DTap to be named DTap, DTap, DTap (all the same) and not DTap1, DTap2, DTap3 (all different). This applies to each of your Vaccine Descriptions. To get there in SchoolLeader, go to Families > Student Vaccine Compliance > Edit Student Vaccine Schedule..
    Image showing directions in article

These steps apply to all conversions:

  1. Active/Inactive Families: Make sure all families are correctly marked as active or inactive or whatever terminology your current program uses. This is especially IMPORTANT if you have a “Mini” version of Procare (with a 60-family limit).
  2. Enroll/Withdraw Dates: Make sure all enrolled children have an enrollment date and all withdrawn children have a withdraw date, even if the family is inactive.
  3. Date of Birth: Make sure the date of birth has been entered for each child.
  4. Separate People: Each parent/guardian should be entered as their own separate person. In other words, don’t enter a married couple as though they are a single person named “John & Mary Smith”. Enter them as “John Smith” and “Mary Smith”.
  5. Employment Dates: Make sure all staff members have a hire date. For staff who have left, they should have a termination date.

Step 2: Answer Two Questions and We’ll Convert Your Data

Once you have competed step 1, our data conversion specialists will convert the data for you (it takes 2-5 business days), but we’ll need your answers to these questions before we can proceed. You have two choices to make:

Your Installation Key Number*
 The Installation Key Number can be found it in your Welcome Email.

  1. I would like Procare to convert*
    All Families
    Active Families Only
  2. I would like Procare to carry forward*
    All Family Account Balances
    No Family Account Balances

Step 3: Install Procare

  1. Download and install Procare. You’ll need the Installation Key Number from your “Welcome” email.
  2. Log in for the first time (username: admin, password: admin) and run the Setup Wizard (see video: Part 1 – First Time Log In). Hint: Skip the step to add classrooms, those will be converted for you.

Step 4: Access Your Data & Free Setup Call

  1. You’ll recieve an email once we’ve converted your data. This process takes 2-5 business days from the time we receive your answers from step 2. A Conversion Specialist will arrange to help you import the data into Procare.
  2. Once your data is in Procare, our Training Team will contact you by email to schedule your FREE SETUP CALL. We’ll help you get off to a smooth start! In the meantime, please continue with the next steps.

Next Steps

Learn how to use Procare. You’ll get more out of your time with our Training Team by learning a bit on your own.

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