Do vendor checks & journal entries convert?
  • 03 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Do vendor checks & journal entries convert?

Article Summary

Yes. Most checks posted to vendors in the old Accounts Payable module and most Journal Entries posted in the old General Ledger module will convert to the new Expenses & Ledger module. However, there are a few cases where this information cannot be converted. Of course you can manually re-post such items as needed.

A check or journal entry cannot be converted if any of the following are true:

  • Postings Between Sites: The entry contained an item posted to a different multi-site location. For example you were in site #1 but posted part, or all, of the amount to site #2.
  • Invalid GL Numbers: The entry contained an item posted to an old GL number that no longer exists in version 9.1. For example a check was posted to account number 5099.00, but that number is not in your version 9.1 chart of accounts.
  • Entry Out of Balance: In rare cases it is possible that very old entries may not add up. For example a check may have been posted for $79.95, but the detail of the check adds up to slightly different amount such as $79.94.

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