Manage Email & Texting Addresses
  • 08 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Manage Email & Texting Addresses

Article Summary

Look up people by their email address or text message phone number and make changes or check for any invalid addresses using the Manage Email or Manage Texting utilities.

Getting There

From the Procare Home screen (or any main screen, such as Family Data & Accounting) go to Utilities and choose either Manage Email Addresses or Manage Texting Addresses.

Image showing directions in article

Using Manage Email

Invalid Email Addresses
If the format of an address is invalid, such as missing an @ symbol, it will automatically appear at the top of the list with a red X. Valid addresses appear with a green check. Reverse the order by clicking the heading above the valid/invalid column. Having no email may indicate the person is a child and is easy to determine based on their date of birth.

Image showing directions in article

Note: Having a valid format, like, does not guarantee the address exists nor that email can be delivered.

Search/Filter by Name or Email
Type a few letters of the person’s first or last name or type part of their email address to display only people who match.

Image showing directions in article

Change Email Address
Dbl-click the name or email address of a person to open their Person Information screen. Make any needed changes and click Save > Exit.

Using Manage Texting Addresses

Invalid Text Addresses
It is not possible for the format to be invalid. Each text number is validated at the time it is entered; however, having a valid format, like, does not guarantee the number exists nor that a text message can be delivered.

Search/Filter by Name or Text Messaging
Type a few letters of the person’s first or last name or type part of their text number to display only people who match.

Change Text Number or Carrier / Phone Provider
Dbl-click the name or email address of a person to open their Text Messaging screen. Make any needed changes and click Save > Exit.

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