- 05 Sep 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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Configuration & Set-Up
- Updated on 05 Sep 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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How to make a desktop shortcut (icon) for Procare or Check-In
During installation a Procare shortcut (icon) is automatically placed on your desktop. However, the Check-In shortcut is only created if you answer “Yes” when asked if this computer will be used as a Check-In station. If you answered “No”, by mistake, you can easily make a new one as follows. Do not reinstall.
In Windows go to Start > Computer (or My Computer).
Open the C: drive (local hard drive).
Open the folder Program Files > Procare > Client.
Inside the Client folder right-click one of the files below and choose Send To > Desktop (create shortcut).
- For Procare, right-click the file Procare (may say Procare.exe). On a touch screen use a long press.
- For Check-In, right-click the file CheckInNet (may say CheckInNet.exe). On a touch screen use a long press.
May I change hours to decimal format or hours & minutes?
Yes. You may choose how hours on time cards and reports should be displayed. Select either HH:MM (hours and minutes) format to display two-and-a-half hours as 2:30 (2 hrs 30 minutes), or HH.HH (decimal format) to display 2.50 hours.
- From the Procare Home screen go to Configuration > System > Locations & Users > Regions & Schools.
- Select a Region (or School location) > click Set Options.
- From the “General” section (left side) look under “Standard Optons” (right side). The setting is called Display Time Span.
Note: Some screens and reports will display HH.HH format regardless of the setting selected because the column of numbers must add up at the bottom. Example: At the check-in screen, employees will always see decimal format.
### How to Charge a Late Pickup Fee
This article briefly describes how to set up and charge a late pickup fee to all families whose children were checked out past a specified time (closing time) and assumes you are using the Attendance Tracker module. If you need help for your specific situation, please Contact Support.
Choose a Billing Formula
If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to choose the Billing Formula to use and adjust the rate and end-of-day time as needed.
- From the Procare Home screen to go Configuration > System > Accounting Management > Family Accounting > Billing Formulas.
- In most cases the standard formula named After Hours Pickup will be used. Dbl-click the formula to adjust the settings.
Line 1 contains the rate of $1.00 per minute. Adjust the rate as needed.
Line 5 tells the formula what time of day the late pickup rate applies to. By default it runs from 5:00 pm to 12:00 am (midnight). Change the time if needed, for example to 6:00 pm.
Click Save > Exit to save any changes.
Assign the Formula to Each Child’s Billing Box
- Go to Billing Box for each child to who this formula will be assigned. This is done one child at a time.
- Click the Billing Formulas tab and choose New Formula.
- Select the Ledger (who to charge), the Description that the parent will see on their statement (usually “Late Pick Up”), the Formula Name from the previous section (usually “After Hours Pickup”). Leave the Value as 0.00. This means the standard rate within the formula will be charged.
- Click Save > Exit to save any changes.
- Repeat for other children as needed.
Run Automated Billing to Calculate the Fee
At the end of the day or end of the week run Automated Formula Billing for that formula to calculate late pickup fees for the day or previous week. Wait until everyone has checked out for that day or week.
Note: Fees are charged as a lump sum for the period of time you choose; for example, if you run Automated Billing once a week all late pickups for a single child are added together. In other words if they were picked up late three times during the week, there will be a single charge for the three days added together. To itemize days it is recommended to run billing daily.
Where do I set the max hours per day time card rounding etc.?
You may control the maximum number of hours per day for which a child or employee is allowed to be checked in as well as other attendance related settings like Time Card Rounding, the hours your center is open, and whether staff members must check in within their scheduled time frame. This is all handled in the Region / School Options screen.
Who can change time cards and how are changes tracked?
Any Procare User assigned to a User Group that is allowed to change child (or employee) time cards may edit a record, such as changing the classroom, work area or in/ out time.
When a person checks in their own initials are recorded on the time card, or in the case of a child the initials of the authorized pick up person. If a change is later made to the time card the initials of the person who made the change are shown. Changes are recorded on the Audit Records screen. See the article on Time Card Audit for details.