- 18 Sep 2024
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Employee Works in Multiple Locations
- Updated on 18 Sep 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
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When an employee works in more than one of your locations, they are referred to as a borrowed employee. You’ll want to set them up so they are recognized as the same person throughout the system and have the ability to generate time cards showing hours from all locations.
Before You Begin
In order to share an employee between locations:
- You must have installed a single database and divided it into various school locations (within Regions & Schools). This is not compatible with a separate database installation at each physical location.
- The locations at which an employee works MUST be within the same region. You cannot share an employee across regions.
Add Person Using the Same Primary School
You’ll need to choose one location as the Primary School for an employee who works at more than one location.
- Log in to the school that will be the primary location for this person.
- Add the employee as a New Person.
2. Go to their Information & Relationships screen and assign this location as their Primary School. You’ll also want to assign a Primary Work Area – the classroom or place they normally work at this location.
3. Assign a Pay Rate. The Pay Codes/Rates for this person are all managed here, at their primary location.
4. Be sure their Work History screen shows they are Currently Employed at this location.
- Return to the Procare Home screen and use the Change School button to select another location at which this person works (the location that is borrowing them).
- This time add the employee as an Existing Person.
2. Assign the original location as their Primary School on the Information & Relationships screen. In other words no matter how many locations this person works at their Primary School will always be the same. You’ll also want to assign a Primary Work Area – the classroom or place they normally work at this location.
3. Be sure their Work History screen shows they are Currently Employed at this location too.
4. Repeat for any other locations as needed.
Time Cards for All Hours
You may choose to view or print a time card that includes hours from all locations.
- Log in to the school that is the primary location for the employee.
- Go to the Employee Time Card. Although times displayed on screen will be for the current location only, you may print a time sheet from the Reports button (bottom of screen) which automatically includes times from all locations. The school code shown for each entry (like S1 or S2) will indicate the location.
Note: If you view their time card from another location (one that is not their Primary School) you’ll see only hours for that one location – both on the time card itself and on the report. The phrase “borrowed employee” (on the report) is used to indicate this is NOT their primary location.
Benefit Hours & Pay Rates
Employee Benefit Hours, like vacation and sick time, as well as Pay Rates must be managed at the main location. If you try to access either of those screens through another location you’ll get a message similar to the one shown below.
Issue Paychecks (Optional)
If you Calculate Payroll Checks in Procare, you do so from the Primary School for each employee. This allows you to import time card hours, from all schools, directly to the paycheck.
Salaried employees normally would not have time card hours. To allocate the payroll expense among multiple locations, manually split the amount. In their Primary Location set the Pay Rate screen for the salary amount paid for that location. When you import the salary to the Gross Pay tab, add additional lines to allocate their pay between locations, as needed.