Employee Check In
  • 20 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Employee Check In

Article summary

What is required for an employee to check in?

For an employee to check in or out:

  1. Required:
    a. The Status on their Work History screen must say “Currently Employed” (as of the day they check in).
    b. A Primary School (location) must be assigned on the Employee Information & Relationships screen.

  2. Recommended:
    a. A Primary Work Area (classroom) should be assigned on the Employee Information & Relationships screen. This becomes their default when checking in.
    b. At least one Pay Code (teacher, aide, etc.) should be assigned on the Employee Pay Rate screen. This becomes their default when checking in.

  3. Optional:
    a. Set up Employee Schedules so the default Work Area and Pay Code are based on where a person is scheduled at that time of day.
    Note: You MUST set up schedules when using the Restrict to Schedule feature (see below).

May I limit employee check in to their scheduled hours?

Yes. This is referred to as the “Schedule Adherence” or “Restrict to Schedule” feature. If an employee attempts to check in before their schedule start time or after their scheduled end time, they’ll get a message stating they are not authorized to do so. See: Schedule Adherence

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