May I track an Expiration Date instead of individual immunizations?
  • 06 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

May I track an Expiration Date instead of individual immunizations?

Article Summary

Yes. Set the Expiration Date to be due every 12 months as follows:

  1. Create an Immunization or Requirement named something like “Expiration Date”.
    1. Set the 1st event to be due 30 days after enrollment.
    2. Set the 2nd event to be due every 12 months thereafter.
  2. On the Child’s Immunization Screen enter a date 12 months prior to the actual expiration date. For example if the physician’s office says the child’s expiration date is June 15th of next year, then enter the date as June 15th of this year. The next one will be due exactly 12 months later.

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