Admin Activities (Permissions)
  • 12 Dec 2023
  • 41 Minutes to read

Admin Activities (Permissions)

Article summary

Setting up or editing roles

For each permission decide if it should be set to-

  • No Permission- will not be seen
  • All Permissions- will be seen/used
  • Read Only- will be view only (coming soon)
  • The below table displays activity ID, Activity Type and Impact-
ActivityIDActivity TypeImpact
476# New Active ChildrenDisplays # New Active Children in the Center Information on the home screen
477# WithdrawnDisplays # Withdrawn Children in the Center Information on the home screen
931AccommodationsControls if Accommodations is displayed in the DCW Connect - Personal as a Change Field
1068AccountAllows the user to edit their account information from the admin side of the site, the account icon is in the upper right field of the screen upon sign in
474Accounting CodeDisplays the Accounting Code field on the setup > room screen
921Accounting IDDisplays the Accounting ID on the child screen of the family record
456Accounting IDDisplays the Accounting ID on the family screen of the family record
825Activate Parent AccountAllows a user to activate a parent account for the parent portal
828Active Indicator FieldAllows a user to set a family as active or inactive on the family screen of the family record
1257Active StatusAllows a parent to update the DCW Connect portal's Contact screen to set a contact as active or inactive
819Add AdjustmentsDisplays the Add Adjustments report on the reports > room/program screen
1425Add Adult Program FeeAllows for users to use the Assignment Action - Add Adult Program Fee on the room/program tab of the family record
353Add AssignmentAbility to Add New Room/Program Assignment on the room/program tab of the family record
1345Add Auto-Pay MethodAbility to Add Auto-Pay Method on the autopay tab of the family record
699Add Category GroupOn the setup > room tab allows users the ability to add or update a category group
695Add ContractAllows users to add a contract for children on the third party tab of the family record
714Add Late FeeAllows ability to add a late fee on the Payments > Outstanding tab
974Add LicenseAbility to add license information on the Home > General tab
1256Add Linked AccountsAllows parents the ability to link their accounts on the parent portal
915Add New Attendance GroupAllows ability to create new attendance groups on the Setup > Room page
1513Add New Door Controller Relay
1484Add New Role Attribute
1259Add New StudentAllows parents to add a new student from the parent portal
463Add Portal UserAllows users to add portal user from the parent tab of the family record
464Add Portal UserAllows users to add portal user from the parent tab of the family record
952ADD/ADHDAllows parents to update the ADD/ADHD field on the personal tab on the parent portal
1166Add/View Journal Notes
997Additional Comments
956Additional Support Services
1302Adjustments Tab
1028Advanced Search
1306Advanced Search Link
1266Agency Attendance Edit
1127Agency Outstanding Balance version 2
916Allocation Refund
1375Allocation Reprocess Button
1436Allocation/Reconciliation Import
1344Allow Activate
509Allow Active Status to any other status
703Allow Agency Adjustment
702Allow Agency Payment
641Allow Attendance Save
1241Allow Auto-Pay Replace From One Time Payment Page
1343Allow Deactivate
1346Allow Delete
917Allow delete of document
1187Allow Delete of Payment.
621Allow Discount Selection
636Allow Discount Setup
712Allow Edit
1498Allow Edit
510Allow Enrollment Date Change
1244Allow parent to delete Auto-Pay account
1243Allow parent to edit Auto-Pay account
1242Allow parent to inactivate/active Auto-Pay account
1010Allow Recurring Setup
1128Allow Recurring Setup
1397Allow Reporting Category Exclusion
640Allow Save
1347Allow Save To Room Assignment
1042Allow Third Party Save
637Allow update to labels
672Alternate Third Party Allocation
1258Appearance Attributes
461Apply Late Fees
1111Approve Lead
1402As Excel
1401As PDF
1305Assigned Batch #
1423At a Glance Tab
1548Attendance Detail Export - Excel
486Attendance FTE
1114Attendance Journal
1422Attendance Tab
926Attended Previous After School Program
1292Attended Previous Preschool, Pre-K, or K program
925Attended Previous Summer Program
1293Auto Allocate
1030Auto Complete Search
1483Auto-Pay Config
489Average Age
1129Batch Enroll
1398Batch Job Audit
954Behavioral Issues
878Birthday Summary
933Booster Seat
1377CACFP Application Signed by Parent
1046CACFP Eligibility Reports
1280CACFP Eligibility Rollover
1045CACFP Setup
1429Camps Link
599Cancel Deposit
1137Cash Entry - Cash-Center
1009Center Documents
1559Certification Categories List
357Change Co-pay
356Change Days Scheduled
354Change Program
355Change Rate
820Change Room
1304Check #
1348Check manual entry (Remote Deposit Capture)
1186Check Out Time Entry
698Clone Contract
978Cognitive Information Detail
1509Combined Mail - 5160
1234Comments Column
932consent for the child photograph
1004Contact Type
696Convert to Split Family
1063Create Teacher User ID
1372Create Templates
1190Credit Card Types
701Current Week Transfer To Agency
990Custody Papers
1151Custom Auto Pay Message Agreement Checkbox
715Custom Billing Field
1189Custom Data Fields
1231Custom One Time Payment Message Agreement Checkbox
1367Daily InSite Tile
1711Daily Sheet Timeline
1297Daily Sheets
1298Daily Sheets
1299Daily Sheets
389Dashboard Configuration
364Date Of Admission
352Date Of Birth
365Date of Discharge
996Date of Last Tetnus
806Delete Award
1355Delete CACFP Eligibility
1206Delete CACFP Eligibility Assignment
700Delete Category Group
1360Delete Category Image
361Delete Child/Student
903Delete Contact
697Delete Contract
758Delete Current Statement
716Delete Family
717Delete Future Contract
1366Delete Late Payment Fee Override
975Delete License
1034Delete Paid Schedule
1071Delete Registration Fee
1175Delete Reservation Week
1486Delete Role Attribute
358Delete Room Assignment
482Delete Schedule
480Delete School
675Delete Statement PDF File
1178Delete Student Document
1026Delete Third Party Holiday
646Delete Unallocated Third Party Payment
972Delete Valid Value Role
1253Dentist Address
1251Dentist Name
1254Dentist Phone
1252Dentist Practice
600Deposit Post Date
1374Deposit Reprocess Button
1421Directory Tab
1260Display Absent/Vacation
1324Display active/inactive status from SIS
1204Display Daily Log
1177Display Doctor Information
1357Display email statements
511Display Inactive Status
1082Display Outstanding Balance on Deposit
1359Display Period Month and Year on Make Payment Scr
1208Display Possible Attendance Issues List
1307Display Pre-Pay Deposits
1356Display print statements
1327Display program child is attending
512Display Rejected Status
1271Display Security Questions
1328Display semester child is enrolled in
1323Display teacher(s) from SIS
1268Display Uneditable Reconfirmation Text
1275District Indicator
348District Office
455District Office
470Do Not Show Adjustment Type
1198Doctor Address
1197Doctor Name
1199Doctor Phone
1331Document Type
1332Document Type
1333Document Type
1334Document Type
1335Document Type
1336Document Type
1337Document Type
1338Document Type
1339Document Type
1340Document Type
1341Document Type
1342Document Type
1284Does your child have an IEP
1512Door Controller Setup
1039Door PIN Number
923Driver's License
1352Edit adjustment on financial ledger
805Edit Award
1354Edit CACFP Eligibility
1364Edit Change Date
1526Edit Email Invoice Pop Up
1524Edit Email Reminder Pop up
1525Edit Email Statement Pop Up
693Edit Existing Contract
1025Edit Holiday
1365Edit Late Payment Fee Override
1033Edit Paid Schedule
1351Edit payment on financial ledger
1070Edit Registration Fee
1072Edit Registration Fee Authorization
1485Edit Role Attribute
359Edit Room Assignment
1250Electronic Signature
1329Email Invoice Link
1495Email Sent Reports
1438Emergency Preparedness
1001Employee Indicator
370Employee Indicator
867Employee Status Field
371Employee Type
924Employer/School Information Section
466Employment/School Phone
694End Contract
1303Entry Begin and End Dates
943Environmental Allergy
945EPI Pen
1444Evaluation Date
1409Event Roster Excel
910Expected Agency Income
1508Expected PrePay Total Delete
1507Expected PrePay Total Maintenance
1235Export Calendar
1362Export Journal Button
388Export Rate Sheet
1272Export Recon
1237Export Statement to Excel
1281Export to Excel
1248Export v2
866External System ID Field
1108Extra Fee Setup
939Extra T-Shirt
380Family - Family Tab
1038Family - Family Type
381Family - Parent Tab
382Family - Parent Tab
1318Family Aging by Program Room - Excel
1148Family Credits - extended
372Family is Split Indicator
1134Family Net Revenue - Extended
1146Family Outstanding Balance - extended
373Family Type
1447FBI Clearance Result
1413Field Trip Permission Slip PDF
1414Field Trip Permission Slip PDF v2
1437Fire Safety
994First Release
920Food Program
940Food/Milk Allergy
347Funding Status
346Funding Type
350GL Account ID
457GL Account ID
911Grand Total Family Outstanding
1255Guardian E-Signature
1381Health Review
1261Heath Table Label
639Hide Custom Billing - No
1441High School Diploma
1446Highest Degree Attained
1521Home Room Teacher
465Hours of Employment/School
1350Immunization Dates Link
1523Immunization Waiver For Personal Conviction:
1522Immunization Waiver For Religious Reason
1167Import Funding Account
1361Import Master List
706Import Pre-Bill
993In an Emergency Call First
1287In District
824Inactivate Parent Account
1246Include Payment Corrections
1558Individual Training Tracking - PDF
1202Information Record
934Insect Repellant
485Internal Information
1291Interpreter Language
1290Interpreter Needed
472Invoice Hourly Immediately
927Is child allergic to food or other substances
929Is child subject to convulsions
928Is child usually susceptible to infections
930Is there any physical condition
1059Labor Planning
767Last Re-Registration Date
1316Link Family Account
1011Live Ratio
1060Live View
1532Live View Export
1554Manage Program Enrollment
1553Manage Semester Enrollment
885Mass Change
383Mass Change
1358Master List Version 2 (Brightside)
995May not remove my child
1439MD Signed
1035Meal Entry
1037Meal Rates
1036Meal Summary
1144Meals Import
942Medical Allergy
1442Medical Issues
980Medications Indicator
1126Monthly Child Attendance 5 Day
947Motor Disorder
977Motor Disorder Information
1300Multi Payer Tax Statement
1570Multi Select Category Drop Down
1514New Door Controller Save Button
883New Family
471Number Of Units
957One-on-one support
944Other Allergy
1432Other Gender Option
982Other Medication Detail
981Other Medication Indicator
955Other Special Care
1389Outstanding Balance Report - Show Zero Bal Filter
1240Parent Portal Password Resets
959Participation Restrictions
979Participation Restrictions Indicator
1097Pay Type
491Payment Correction
766Payment Correction Refunds
886Payment Notes
494Payment Void
1506Payments Balancing Report (Tempus)
1176Payments Config
1073Payroll Period
880Pending Students
1388Pending Waitlist
999Percentage Paid
938Pickup Notes
1209Possible Attendance Issues List
501Post Deposit To Journal
647Post Third Party Allocation
1312Pre-screening for early entrance GPS
1431Preferred Statement Method
1510Prepay Deposit Delete
1288Primary Language
1326Primary Payer
1228Print Student Class Schedule
652Process Pending Student
1527Profile Section
655Program Change Request Approval
1387Program Changes
973program drop down
817Quick Links
827Quick Room Move
1027Quick Search
1112Reapprove Lead
983Reassessment Information
657Reconcile Statement
757Recreate Current Statement
1550Recurring Amt Text Leave blank to pay full balance
1181Recurring Option - Full Amount
1183Recurring Option - Bi Weekly
1184Recurring Option - Monthly
1182Recurring Option - Weekly
1440Reference Letters
1096Refund Reversal
1283Register New Student
1417Registration (Adult) Excel
384Registration - Birth Cert
385Registration - custody doc
386Registration - IEP doc
387Registration - Immunization Doc
1192Registration Config
1410Registration Excel
1286Registration Information - Excel
1411Registration PDF
909Registration Search
1412Registration Semester Excel
1113Reject Lead
1003Release limitations/notes
713Remove Sponsor List
1188Report Authorization
1368Repost Allocation
1373Repost Deposit
1195Resides With
490Return Payment
1552Revenue Budget Amount
1500Reverse Refund Button
1330Room Change Request (Calendar Tab)
1560Room Change Request Edit/Delete Button
458Room Number
462Room Number
1405Roster (by student) Excel
1406Roster (by student) PDF
1403Roster - Excel
1404Roster - PDF
1407Roster Excel (by program)
1479Save Button on Child Additional Info Screen
1480Save Button on Child Health Screen
360Save Child/Student
1083Save Holding Account
1084Save Holding Account Information
648Save or Update Room
649Save or Update Room Category
1232Save Override button on sponsor split screen
707Save Pre-Bill
1263Save pymt details as registered pymt method Tempus
852Save Rate Authorization
481Save Schedule
499Save Teacher
1047Save To Wait List
1081Scan Check/CC
459Schedule Override Rates
1424Schedule Tab
1236School Attending
1313School Attending for Kindergarten
479School Information
1029Search By Letter
1289Secondary Language
1274Security Questions
976Seizure Date
1408Semester Roster Excel
877Semester Summary
1430Session Roster
1395Set Guardian 2 to N/A
1569Settlement/Allocation By Semester - Excel
1520Setup Discount Icon
1069Setup Registration Fee
671Setup Social Media
612Setup State Overtime
971Setup Valid Value Role
1571Show Add New Rooms/Rates Section
1180Show Credit Card as Autopay Payment
1264Show Manage Pymt Methods Link (Tempus)
1545Show Prepaid Deposits
1100Sick Time Balance
1249Single Signon ID
941Special Food Needs
998Special Instructions
962Special Training
576Split Fee Save
788Sponsor Authorization
786Sponsor Award
789Sponsor Billing Period
1000Sponsor Indicator
368sponsor indicator
787Sponsor Unit
369Sposnor Percentage
452SSN #
1006Staff Certificate Documents
1005Staff Documents
1193Staff Training
1194Staff Training Entry
678Start Date
1564State Field
1278Statement Tile (Metro View)
1098Status Type
988Student Email
1205Student Email Address
761Student Grade
989Student ID
1163Summary Year End
987Summer School
937Swim Concerns
936Swim Level
473Tax Credit Eligible
1107Tax Setup
1427Tax Statement - Excel
1426Tax Statement - PDF
1443TB XRay
1102Teacher Birthday
1196Telephone Authorization Code
1008Third Party Authorization Documents
1150Third Party Child Attendance Detail - Excel
1007Third Party Contracts
1024Third Party Holildays
1135Third Party Net Revenue - Extended
1136Third Party Outstanding Balance
763Third Party Payment Recovery
764Third Party Payment Void
1043Third Party Program Calendar
1265Third Party Program Calendar Edit
1494Third Party Refund
765Third Party Refund
762Third Party Return Payment
1041Third Party Schedule
1191Time Clock
375Timeclock Config
1131Total agency payments
1233Total Deposit Column
912Total Family Credit Outstanding
1130Total family payments
1145Total Net Revenue (Extended)
1147Total Outstanding Balance - extended
488Total Payments
1132Total payments - Metro Custom
1133Total payroll wages
1566Training Start/End Date Fields
1546Transfer Balance
658Transfer To Agency
1099Twitter Name
645Unallocate posted payment
1212Update Portal User ID
1285Upload IEP Document
1201Upload Picture
1101Vacation Time Balance
1210View # Staff with Possible Attendance Issues
1296View Daily Sheets
1311View Deposit Ticket
638View GL Code
345View Income and Payments
1165View Internal Notes
1173View Reservation Week
1149View Statement Details
1238View Statement link (PDF Statement report)
1211View Stud/Staff with Possible Attendance Issues
760View Student External System ID
918Voucher/EAN Exp Date
453Voucher/EAN Exp Date
454Voucher/EAN Exp Hours
919Voucher/EAN Exp Hours
1085Wait List Outstanding Balance
1415Weekly Schedule by Grade PDF
1416Weekly Schedule by Name PDF
961When to call parents
493Write Off Recovery
1600- Staff
1704Active Field
1625Allow Delete
1602Allow Edit (Full)
1624Allow Save
1709Attendance Group Edit/Delete
1708Attendance Group Table
1671Best Location
1670Best Phone
1706Capacity Field
1647Category Restricted Rate "Edit" Link
1673Cell Phone
1713Change ID
1657Communications Tab
1633Create Schedule
1594Currently Working and/or In Training Program
1665DCW Batch Number
1597Direct Messaging - Staff
1639Display Assignment Change Actions area
1693Document Authorization
1659Edit Immunizations Link
1174Edit/Save Reservation Week
1674Employer/School ID
1002Employer/School Information
1576End Date Types
1615Expected Hours Count
1705FTE Eligible
1672Hours of Employment
1613Import Budget Forecast/Target Hours
1573Max Allowed Hours
1273Missing Child Email/Text Message
1632Mouse Capture Signature Fields
1599Parent Communication - Email
1598Parent Communication - Texting
1712Phone OCN
1643Post Deposit Button
1634Preview Schedule
1635Print Schedule
1614Recurring Option - Bi Monthly
1626Register Contact As Volunteer
1623Register Parent As Volunteer
1575Registration Fee Field
1703Room Summary Tab
1603Schedule Notifications
1679Scheduled FTE on Home Screen
1692Show Contact Door Pin Number
1628Show Parent Door Pin Number
1593Sleep Position
1574Staff Availability
1631Statement Config
1707Student/Teacher Ratio Field
1690Teacher Selection (Radio Button)
1636Unlock Parent Account
1622Volunteers - Tab
1620Wage Amount
1419Weekly Roster Summary - Excel
1702Weekly Roster Summary - PDF
1662Payment Delete from Deposit
1Add A New Child
497Add New Teacher/Staff
31Adv. Search
367Adverse Action Count
633Ageny Attendance
669Application Messages
164Available Merged Documents
11Batch and Report
212Batch and Report
1269Bus Roster
39Campaign Management - Tab
166Category Room Count
170Category/Program Trend Report
611Checklist - Recreate Statement
13Child Change Requests
210Credit Card Transactions
3Current Statements
399Deposit Journal - Tab
120Edit Mode
483End of Billing Cycle
496End Of Day Alerts
484End Of Day Task
513End Of Week
91Family Payment - Tab
215Financial Report
8Financial Reports
876Head Count
262Immunization Report
498Import Staff
86Journal - Tab
38Lead Management - Tab
487Link for Alerts
374Main Menu
113Manual Attendance
115Meal Count
4Monthly Roster Report
121Normal Mode
15Online Payments
90Online POS Payments
610Operations Snapshot
89Outstanding - Tab
207Outstanding Balance
208Payment Allocations
214Payment Forecast Report
213Payment History Statistics
875Payment Journal
211Payment Program/Room History
88Payments - Tab
18Pending Activity
366Pending Student Count
167Program/Room Pending
506Rate Discount Report
169Registration Information Report
147Registration Report
16Registration Requests
12Release Notes
670Release Notes
116Room Report
165Room/Program Count
160Room/Program Report
884Schedule Setup Menu
704Setup Pre-Bill
87Sponsor Journal - Tab
5Submit Payments
9Take Attendance
17Teacher Alerts
391Teacher/Staff List
40Tour List - Tab
230Upload File
14Vacation Requests
6View Outstanding Payments
2View Room Report
10View Weekly Reconciliation Report
168Weekly Reconciliation Report
1270Weekly Sign In PDF v3
209Year End Family Payment
826Year End Family Payment
615Print Batch Statements - does not work
7Print Batch Statements - Works
238Adjustment General Ledger
246Detail Adjustment Report - Parent
247Detail Adjustment Report - Sponsor
570GL Adjustment Transaction Report - Combined
1476GL Adjustment Transaction Report Split - Combined
1683GL Export (Des Moines) - CVS
1652Monthly Fee Tracking - Excel
1394A/R Aging Report
1638Age and Income Analysis Report - Excel
1159Aging By Center Report - Excel
1317Aging by Program Center - Excel
1223Cash Receipts - Excel
1477Family Aging by Program Center - Excel
1478Family Aging by Program Center - PDF
579Family Aging Report - Excel
1123Family Aging Report - Excel One Tab
580Family Aging Report - PDF
1168LIFO Aging Report - Excel
1169LIFO Family Aging Report - Excel
897Receivable Aging Report - Excel
1020Receivable Aging Report - Excel-Version-1
1019Third Party Account Aging Summary Report - PDF
503Third Party Aging - Excel
1604Third Party Aging - PDF
628Accounts Receivable Report - Excel
747Accounts Receivable Report - PDF
898Accounts Receivable Report-Ver 2 - Excel
896Accounts Receivable Report-Ver 2 - PDF
1018Accounts Receivable Report-Ver 3 - PDF
629Agency Outstanding Balance Report - Excel
1140Agency Outstanding Balance Report Version 2 - Excel
502Balance Due Report
245Collection - Compressed
1471Collection - Version 2
1138Collection Copay-PVT - Compressed
1470Collection Report - By Center
1608Daily Cash Balance Detail - Excel
1390Daily Cash Balance Report - PDF
1396Daily GL Detail - Excel
1325Discount Statistics - Excel
1715Discount Statistics V2 - Excel
793Family Balance Report
1697Family Transaction Summary - Excel
751General Ledger Posting - Excel
752General Ledger Posting - PDF
1653General Ledger Summary - Excel
1654GL Summary by Center - Excel
1023Monthly Center Summary - PDF
1399Monthly GL Summary - Excel
1607Monthly GL Summary - PDF
1314Outstanding Balance by Program Center
575Outstanding Balance Report
1225Summer Activity Fee Allocation - Excel
790Third Party Balance Report - Excel
259Trial Balance
754Trial Balance (Agency/Parent only)
1606Trial Balance (Agency/Parent only) - PDF
260Trial Balance - Expanded
239Cash Check Receipt Log (CCRL)
240Cash Check Receipt Log (CCRL) - Employee
241Cash Check Receipt Log (CCRL) - Version 2
362Cash Check Receipt Log (CCRL) - Version 3
1022Cash Check Receipt Log (CCRL) - Version 4
791Batch Deposit Report - PDF
578Deposit By Type - Tax Credit Report
507Deposit By Type Report
505Deposit Summary Report
1276LIFO Deposit by Type Report
750Sponsor - Parent Detail - Excel
257Statement Detail/Sponsor Detail
258Statement Detail/Sponsor Detail - Imported Data
1227Financial GL Export - Excel
1393GL Export (IFAS) - CSV report
1645GL Export (YMCA) - CSV
1279GL Export for Intacct
1222GL Payment Export - CSV
1064GL Summary Upload - CSV
748GP Export - CSV
753GP Export Summary - CSV
1105MAS 500 GL Export - Excel
812NetSuite GL Upload - CSV
908Orchard GL
1230Peachtree G/L Export
1583Quick Books Export - CSV
811Allocation Mismatch Report - Excel
1095Bad Debt - Excel
1588CCIS 2 Week Behind - Excel
1158Charges and Credits - PDF
1161Charges and Credits By Center - PDF
1433Charges and Credits by Family Center - PDF
1160Charges and Credits Detail - Excel
1162Charges and Credits Detail By Center - Excel
1434Charges and Credits Detail by Family Center -Excel
1080Combined Detail - Excel
794Coupon Report - Excel
642Discretionary Discount Report - Excel
796Financial Assistance Report - Excel
390In Sequence Report
539Mera FTE - Excel
1319Multi Payer Tax Statement
1473NetSuite Control - Excel
1474NetSuite SubLedger - Excel
1106Parent Payment Reporting Group - Excel
843Pre Bill Report - Excel
1124Private Pay Revenue Only - Excel
746Registration / Re-Registration Report - Excel
844Subsidy Report - Excel
1605Subsidy Report - PDF
1066Third Party Family Copay - Excel
1067Third Party Family Copay - PDF
1221Weekly Indicators Report - Excel
659Allocated Third Party Payment Report - Excel
660Allocated Third Party Payment Report - PDF
1696Auto-Pay Processing Results - Excel
1538Autopay Holder Report - Excel
577Cash Center Report
1179Decline List Report
248Detail Payment Report - Parent
249Detail Payment Report - Sponsor
1213Monthly EasyDraft Payments
907PAD Amount Check
1591PAD Worksheet - Excel
1017Payment Allocation by Category - Excel
792Payment Correction Report - PDF
1518Payment Summary By Family - Excel
900Payments Ledger WYC - Excel
899Prepaid Deposit Balance - Excel
795Settlement/Allocation By Room Report - Excel
755Settlement/Allocation Report - Excel
1475Third Party Allocation Error - Excel
661Third Party AR Detail Report - Excel
662Third Party AR Detail Report - PDF
1536Third Party Refund - Excel
1609Third Party Refund - PDF
666Unallocated Third Party Payment Report - Excel
667Unallocated Third Party Payment Report - PDF
571Payroll Deduction Outstanding Report
1320Payroll Deduction Report
1543Future Billings Detail Report - PDF
902Adventure Guide Headcount and Revenue
595Billing Summary Report - Excel
1065Deferred Revenue - Excel
569Detail All Revenue Report - Combined
568Detail All Revenue Report - Parent
567Detail All Revenue Report - Sponsor
1143Detail FTE Revenue Report - By Age Group
1142Detail Revenue Report - By Age Group
250Detail Revenue Report - Combined
251Detail Revenue Report - Employee
252Detail Revenue Report - Parent
253Detail Revenue Report - Sponsor
1467Detail Revenue Report Version 2 - Combined
1466Detail Revenue Report Version 2 - Parent
1464Detail Revenue Report Version 2 - Sponsor
1226Employee Student Revenue - Excel
1542Future Billings Detail Report - Excel
1540Future Billings Summary Report - Excel
1541Future Billings Summary Report - PDF
756Future Revenue Report
1472Future Revenue Report - Monthly
1487Grant Revenue - PDF
644Manual Adjustment Report - Excel
1224Monthly Revenue Summary - Excel
574Rate Discount Extended Report
798Rate Discount Extended Report - Transactional
573Rate Discount Report
797Rate Discount Report - Transactional
504Receivable Journal Summary
1557Revenue Dashboard - Excel
1610Revenue Dashboard YTD - Excel
572Revenue FTE Report
254Revenue General Ledger
1468Revenue Summary Report
1469Revenue Summary Report Version 2
901Revenue WYC - Excel
749Schedule/Billing Summary - Excel
1689Specific Charge/Credit Summary One Sheet Report - Excel
634Specific Charge/Credit Summary Report - Excel
1021Tuition - Excel-Version 2
1611Tuition Category Comparison - Excel
1619Weekly Progress - Excel
255Roll Forward
1139Roll Forward - Active Only
1612Roll Forward - Period
256Roll Forward - Range
400Absent Roster Report - PDF
475Add Coupon
75Add Journal Entry
326Add Meal Rate Detail
339Add New Administrator
609Add New Agency Billing Period
49Add New Campaign
287Add New Category
132Add New Event
44Add New Lead
142Add New Link
324Add New Meal
325Add New Meal Rate
705Add New Pre-Bill
296Add New Question
300Add New Question
312Add New Rate Category
306Add New Rate for Icon
315Add New Rate Offset
286Add New Room
305Add New Tuition Rate
332Add New Valid Value
76Add Portal User
606Add Reporting Group
77Adjustments/Add Fee
284Admins - Tab
413Adverse Action List - Export Excel
449Adverse Action List - Export Excel
414Adverse Action List - Export Summary
450Adverse Action List - Export Summary
265Age Range
273All Profiles PDF
590Allow Payments to be deleted after receipt printed
29Alphabet Search
42Alphabet Search
95Alphabet Search
148Alphabet Search
318Alternative Vacation Period Setup
845Attendance Menu
401Attendance Statistics Summary - Excel
402Attendance/Term Exception - Excel
267Auto Payment
58Auto-Pay - Tab
107Basic Year End
228Basic Year End
426Bi Weekly Signin - PDF
85Billing Statement PDF
415Birthday - Excel
451Birthday Rate Change
271Budget List - Tab
272Budget Report - Tab
102Call Reminder
223Call Reminder
35Careers - Tab
242Cash Entry - Cash/Center
243Cash General Ledger
32Center - Tab
110Center - Tab
403Center Attendance Summary - Excel
363Center Copay
409Center Copay Collection Summary - Excel
410Center Copay Discount - Excel
416Center Gain Loss
423Center Roster (Month) - Excel
424Center Roster (Period) - Excel
808Charge/Reduce Revenue
397Checklist - Tab
404Child Attendance Detail - Excel
405Child Attendance Reconcile Summary - Excel
1353Child CACFP Eligibility
55Children - Tab
440Collection Copay/PVT - Compressed
650Collection Letter
439Collection Report - By Center
57Communication - Tab
283Config - Tab
129Copy a Calendar
341Create Statement
163Current Month Roster Report - Excel
161Current Week Roster Report - Excel
162Current Week Roster Report - PDF
807Custom Report Setup
619Customer Statement
427Daily Group Signin (Compressed) - PDF
65Daily Log
292Daily Room Availability
33Dashboard - Tab
234Date Received
133Day Within Calendar
412Days Enrolled - Excel
338Delete Admin
608Delete Agency Billing Period
581Delete Attendance
654Delete Certificate
84Delete Fee
323Delete Meal Icon
327Delete Meal Rate Icon
613Delete Overtime Setup
854Delete Rate Authorization
313Delete Rate Category Icon
307Delete Rate for Icon
316Delete Rate Offset
604Delete Reporting Group
295Delete Room Icon
311Delete Scholarship Icon
617Delete Staff Schedule
616Delete Teacher Availability
620Delete Teacher/Staff
333Delete Valid Value
443Detail All Revenue Report - Combined
442Detail All Revenue Report - Parent
441Detail All Revenue Report - Sponsor
436Detail FTE Revenue Report - By Age Group
435Detail Revenue Report - By Age Group
108Detail Year End
229Detail Year End
406Discharge Report - Excel
398Discount - Tab
134Display Full Screen
135Display PDF
643Display Voided
337Edit Admin
607Edit Agency Billing Period
653Edit Certificate
149Edit Family Icon
46Edit Lead and Wait List
320Edit Meal Icon
328Edit Meal Rate Icon
614Edit Overtime Setup
853Edit Rate Authorization
314Edit Rate Category Icon
309Edit Rate for (Future) Icon
308Edit Rate for Icon
317Edit Rate Offset
334Edit Valid Value
100Email Reminder
221Email Reminder
99Email Statement
220Email Statement
417Employee Student - Excel
216Export - CSV
217Export - PDF
231Export Report
293Extra Program Registration Info
376Family - Payment Tab
377Family - Payment Tab
378Family - Payment Tab
379Family - Payment Tab
54Family - Tab
335Family Check-In
343Family Merge
96Family Name
109Family Name
37Family Search - Tab
82Fee Link
277Fees - Tab
103Funding Export
224Funding Export
104Funding Export Active
225Funding Export Active
105Funding Export Terminated
226Funding Export Terminated
34General - Tab
444GL Adjustment Transaction Report - Combined
282Immunization - Tab
261Import CCRL Spreadsheet
591Import Deposit Reconcile
818Import Rates
64Information Record
618Invoice Statement
433Labor Statistics - Excel
78Make Payment
281Meal - Tab
428Meal Attendance Record
263Meal Counts
418Mera FTE - Excel
419Mera FTE By Age - Excel
411Missing Invoice Report - Excel
429Monthly Attendance Record - Excel
407Monthly Center Attendance Summary - Excel
51Monthly Schedule
72Monthly Schedule
430Monthly Signin - PDF
310Name of Scholarship
137New Category
140New Category
141New Document
43New Family
138New Picture
131Next Month
79Online Credit Card
106Open Detail Export
227Open Detail Export
448Outstanding Balance Report
94Outstanding Payment Report
1391Parent Managed Calendar
56Parents - Tab
101Pay Registered
222Pay Registered
98Payment Allocation
219Payment Allocation
495Payment Change
83Payment Link
97Payment Program History
218Payment Program History
93Payment Report
233Payment Type
60Payments - Tab
445Payroll Deduction Outstanding Report
431Period Sign In - PDF
80Pickup Fee
61Prepay - Tab
823PrePay Deposit
130Previous Month
344Program Wait List
299Quick Entry
447Rate Discount Report
420Rate Exception Summary - Excel
276Rates - Tab
342Recreate Statement
586Registration Payment Report
294Registration Setup
446Revenue FTE Report
438Roll Forward - Active Only
437Roll Forward - Period
264Room Attendance
179Room Report - Daily Signin PDF
171Room Report - Online
172Room Report - Online (Compress)
392Room Schedule
582Room Schedule
53Room Semester
74Room Semester
275Rooms - Tab
280Schedule - Tab
422School Pickup Report - Excel
802Screen Configuration
274Semester - Tab
285Semester Information - Import
596Setup Allocation Period
584Setup Category Email Documents
598Setup Coupons
597Setup Discounts
319Setup Meal Rates
302Setup Rate Category
303Setup Rate Offset
583Setup Room Schedule
301Setup Scholarships
330Setup Valid Values
36Setup Validation - Tab
50Show All
71Show All
1392Show All Schedules
304Show Current and Future
52Special Schedule
73Special Schedule
469Split Icon
279Sponsors - Tab
396Staff Attendance
394Staff Availability
395Staff Schedule
434Staff Schedule Report - Excel
602Statement - Export Running Total
266Statement Summary
92Statement Summary - Tab
421Student Schedule Summary - Excel
269Student/Child Directory
803Task Schedule
408Teacher Attendance Detail - Excel
336Teacher Check-In
268Teacher CPR Alerts
393Teacher/Staff Edit
651Third Party Payment Correction
236Total Amount Due
111Total Amount Paid
237Total Amount Paid
329Use Wizard Setup
59Vacation - Tab
278Vacation - Tab
205View Available Merged Documents
605View Reporting Groups
585View Returned Payment Fee
291View Semester
331View Touch Screen
81View/Change Fee/Adjustment Information
718Voided Payments
432Weekly AM/PM Signin PDF
809Write-Off Family Bad Debt
966Absent Days Taken- Excel
1031Absent Roster - PDF
632Active Not Attending - PDF
1563Actively Enrolled Children w/o Schedules - Excel
1216Actual Attendance AM/PM - Excel
587Agency Attendance Detail - Excel
1217AM/PM Month Counts - Excel
1630Arizona DES SignIn/SignOut Report - PDF
1516Attendance Audit - Excel
601Attendance Log - PDF
543Attendance Statistics Summary - Excel
967Attendance Termination - Excel
516Attendance/Term Exception - Excel
1592Audit Trail - Excel
517Center Attendance Summary - Excel
559Child Attendance (Actual Agency) - PDF
969Child Attendance Detail (Version 2) - Excel
541Child Attendance Detail - Excel
522Child Attendance Reconcile Summary - Excel
589Child Withdrawal Detail - Excel
725Class Count (Version 2) - PDF
723Class Count - PDF
815Classroom Assignments - Excel
1587Classroom Assignments - PDF
530Discharge Report - Excel
711Food Attendance - Excel
563Head Count - PDF
905Head Count Center - PDF
1677Historical Flash Count Enhanced - Excel
630Historical Flash Counts - Excel
631Historical Flash Counts - PDF
865Hours Attending - Excel
1505Infractions Report
1595Meal Attendance Record - Daily Backup - PDF
1386Monthly Attendance By Classroom - Excel
1449Monthly Center Attendance Summary - Excel
188Monthly Child Attendance (10 Day) - Excel
1074Monthly Child Attendance (3 Day) - Excel
1141Monthly Child Attendance (5 Day) - Excel
1118Monthly Child Attendance (5 Day) - Marketing - Ex
556Monthly Child Attendance (Actual Agency) - Excel
560Monthly Child Attendance (Actual) - PDF
1277Monthly Child Attendance (Audit) - Excel
185Monthly Child Attendance (Compressed) - Excel
184Monthly Child Attendance (Empty) - Excel
187Monthly Child Attendance (T-Report) - Excel
1565Monthly Child Attendance By Day - Excel
1152No Parent Sign In/Out - Excel
1076Ohio Absent Days Claim (Schedule)
768On Demand - Excel
769On Demand Exception - Excel
1695Parent Managed Schedule-Attendance - Excel
1093Registration Snapshot - PDF
186Room Report - Monthly Child Attendance Actual
813Schedule - Attendance - Excel
1547Schedule Report with Absences - Excel
1218Semester Enrollment Summary - Excel
677Semester Summary - Excel
1572Sign In/Out Sheet (Version 4) - PDF
551Site Summary Attendance - Excel
1664SSH - Student Schedule Summary
722Student Class Schedule - PDF
1650Student Schedule Start/End - Excel
544Student Schedule Summary - Excel
1086Student Schedule Summary Status - Excel
1686Student Totals - Excel
710Student Totals - PDF
1491Subsidy Child Attendance - Excel
745Third Party Absent Day Billing - Excel
1154Third Party Child Attendance Detail - PDF
1680Third Party Child Attendance Detail Without Sig.
721Third Party Schedule vs Actual Report - Excel
1530Tour Hours Summary - Excel
776Unscheduled Attendance Days - Excel
1517Weekly Attendance - Excel
984Weekly Ohio Absent Days to Claim - Excel
561Weekly Schedule By Grade - PDF
562Weekly Schedule By Name - PDF
892Age Up Alert - Excel
872Arrival/Departure - Excel
1092Audit Trail - PDF
526Birthday - Excel
855Birthday Info (Version 2) - Excel
1584Birthday Info (Version 2) - PDF
775Check In/Out PIN # Report - Excel
913Check In/Out PIN - PDF
835Child Birthday Information - Excel
588Child Directory Detail - Excel
1428Child Rate - Excel
1578Child Retention - Excel
1301Child Retention - PDF
626Child Status Sheet - Excel
627Child Status Sheet - PDF
1054Child Supervision Record - Excel
770Child-Family-Room Center Mismatch - Excel
821Child/Family PIN - Excel
1117Children With Inactive Rates - Excel
1119Children With Zero Billing - Excel
836Credit Card - Excel
1562Discount Assignment - Excel
1519Discount Assignment - PDF
1714Emergency Contacts - PDF
521Employee Student - Excel
1627Extra Fee Quantity Report - Excel
1637Family Registration Report - Excel
1531Family Status Tracking - Excel
1629Incident Report Summary
829Income Bracket (Version 2) - Excel
862Income Bracket - Excel
830Income Bracket By Room - Excel
890Pending Student List - Excel
778Photo Consent Report - Excel
1109Potential Inactive Families - Excel
1110Potential Inactive Families - PDF
1315Program Wait List - Excel
1400Program Wait List Currently Pending - Excel
1515Progress Report Due List - Excel
904Raptor Report - Excel
857Scheduled FTE Summary -Excel
1684Scheduled Tuition FTE Summary -Excel
719Split Family Information - Excel
832Student Registration - Excel
831Student Wait List - Excel
870Swim Concerns - Excel
656Third Party Children - PDF
566Third Party Info - Excel
1699Transition Report
523Center Copay Collection Summary - Excel
528Center Copay Discount - Excel
527Missing Invoice Report - Excel
1465Bi Weekly Schedule - Excel
772Capacity Enrollment Remaining - PDF
1685Center Weekly Change - Excel
1385Contracted Hours - Excel
520Days Enrolled - Excel
782Early Learn NYC Enrollment Grid - Excel
1590Enroll/Withdrawal (Version 2) - Excel
773Enroll/Withdrawal - Excel
864Enrollment Count - Excel
964Enrollment Count Room/Staff - Excel
189Enrollment Grid - Excel
190Enrollment Grid (Month End) - Excel
968Enrollment Grid (No After School) - Excel
737Enrollment Grid (Version 2) - Excel
889Enrollment Grid By Funding Type - Excel
519Enrollment Schedule Grid - Excel
1621Enrollment Summary Report - Excel
893Future FTE Count - Excel
736Future Head Count Report - Excel
1215Home Center Count - Excel
1078Room Assignment Change - Excel
816Session Enrolled Report - Excel
1676SIS Summary - CSV
1157Unique Enrollment and Check In - Excel
1156Unique Enrollment Count - Excel
1533As PDF - Future
1267Online View with Multiple Semesters
176Room Report - As Excel - No Total
173Room Report - As PDF
175Room Report - As PDF - No Total
1567Tournament/Room Report
524Adverse Action Report - Excel
525Adverse Action Summary - Excel
1511Allergy & Special Care List - PDF
986Allergy And Emergency Contacts - PDF
1660Allergy/Alert - Excel
674Allergy/Alert - PDF
1458Allergy/Alert - PDF - Full List
869Child Health Care Addendum - PDF
1568Full Health/Allergy Details For Center - PDF
871Health Concerns - Excel
1503Health/Allergy - Full List - PDF
1012Immunization (Version 1) - Excel
1013Immunization (Version 1) - PDF
731Immunization - Excel
732Immunization - PDF
1642Immunization Missing Report - PDF
730Immunization Summary - PDF
594CACFP Enrollment Summary - Excel
1383CACFP Individual Infant Meal Record - PDF
622CACFP Meal Service Action - Excel
1207CACFP Meal Service No Selections - Excel
623CACFP Meals Outside Scheduled Time - Excel
1384CACFP Milk Usage Calculator - Excel
1380CACFP Participants Roster - PDF
861Food Production - Excel
1601Food Program Weekly Tally Sheet
1453Meal Attendance Record (Version 1) - PDF - Blank
1452Meal Attendance Record (Version 2) - PDF
1688Meal Attendance Record (Version 3) - PDF
1589Meal Attendance Record - Daily Backup - Excel
593Meal Attendance Record - Excel
1457Meal Attendance Record - Excel (Monthly)
536Meal Attendance Record - PDF
1461Meal Attendance Record Full - Excel
1104Meal Served By Day - PDF
592Monthly Food Spreadsheet - Excel
1094Time Meal Served - Excel
538Center Gain Loss- Excel
1459Client Gain Loss (Monthly) - Excel
777Client Gain Loss - Excel
663Corporate Partnership & Local Business Discount
635Corporate Partnership - Excel
708Denial NES - Excel
1103Extended Registration - Excel
1668Extended Registration Questions (Version 2) - PDF
1534Extended Registration Questions - Excel
1651Extended Registration Questions V2 - Excel
1667Facility Licensing Report - Excel
1172Lead Activity Summary - Excel
1544Lead Management Summary - Excel
540Mera FTE By Age - Excel
203NES Report - Excel
555Pending Registration - Excel
779Potential Duplicate Account - Excel
963Rate Authorization - Excel
518Rate Exception Summary - Excel
1456Ratio Month - Excel
709Ratio Report - Excel
1089Recreate Audit Trail - Excel
1090Recreate Audit Trail - PDF
720Registration Information - Excel
204Room Report - Title XX - Excel
1049Selected Sponsors - Excel
874Task List Summary - Excel
914Third Party Authorization - Excel
1220Transportation Profile - PDF
546Voucher Expiration - Excel
673Authorized Pickup - PDF
729Authorized Pickup Report - PDF Version 2
727Restricted Pickup List - PDF
735Restricted Pickup List - PDF - Full List
515School Pickup - Excel
856Activity Roster (Version 2) - Excel
838Activity Roster (Version 2) - PDF
863Activity Roster - PDF
1115Activity Roster - PDF - Attendance
894Adventure Guides Event Roster - Excel
1061Adventure Guides Event Volunteer Roster - Excel
895Adventure Guides Program Roster - Excel
1062Adventure Guides Program Volunteer Roster - Excel
553Bus Roster - PDF
1687Bus Roster Sign In - PDF
1481Bus Roster v2 - PDF
1451Center Roster (Month) - Excel
198Center Roster (Period) - Excel
985Current Roster - Excel
1418Current Roster v2 - Excel
558Enrichment Roster - PDF
199Event Roster - Excel
780Event Roster Version 2 - Excel
726Facility Roster - PDF
1555Field Trip Roster - PDF
1482Flex Reg Roster - PDF
1321Program Roster - PDF
1492Registration Roster - Excel
196Roster (by program) - Excel
194Roster (by student) - Excel
195Roster (by student) - PDF
193Roster (Program Detail) - PDF
191Roster - Excel
192Roster - PDF
197Roster Extended - Excel
1450Roster Extended V2 - Excel
1663Roster Report - PDF
1048School Roster - PDF
200Semester Roster - Excel
1376Session Roster - Excel
1349Weekly Roster Sign In - PDF
554Weekly Roster Summary - Excel
557Weekly Roster Summary - PDF
1537Weekly Schedule Roster - Excel
1493Weekly Schedule Roster - PDF
537Attendance with Symptoms Record - Excel
859Bi Weekly Sign In - PDF
744Center Sign In - Excel
970Center Sign In For Week - PDF
1435Center Sign In Ver 2 - PDF
743Center Signin - PDF
182Daily Alt Sign In - PDF
741Daily Alt Sign In - PDF - By Grade
858Daily Group Sign In (Compressed) - PDF
738Daily Sign In - Excel - By Grade
739Daily Sign In - Excel - By Name
180Daily Sign In - PDF
733Daily Sign In - PDF - By Grade
734Daily Sign In - PDF - By Name
1656Daily Sign In/Out by Age - Excel
1655Daily Sign In/Out by Age - PDF
676Daily Signin For Week - PDF
728Daily Signin For Week - PDF Version 2
181Daily Signin PDF Full Signature
552Field Trip Permission Slip - PDF
724Field Trip Permission Slip (Version 2) - PDF
771Kiosk Sign In/Out Sheet - Excel
774Kiosk Sign In/Out Sheet - PDF
535Monthly Attendance Record - Excel
529Monthly Sign In - PDF
183Monthly Sign In - PDF
742Monthly Sign In (Version 2) - PDF
1014Monthly Sign In (Version 4) - PDF
965Monthly Sign In - PDF - Version 3
533Period Sign In - PDF
624Room Movement Sign In-Out Sheet - Excel
625Room Movement Sign In-Out Sheet - PDF
178Room Report - Weekly AM/PM Signin PDF
534Sign In/Out Sheet - Excel
1454Sign In/Out Sheet (Version 2) - PDF
1455Sign In/Out Sheet (Version 3) - PDF
549Sign In/Out Sheet - PDF
202Weekly Center In/Out - Excel
201Weekly Center Sign In - Excel
814Weekly Sign In (Version 2) - Excel
740Weekly Sign In (Version 2) - PDF
839Weekly Sign In (Version 3) - Excel
837Weekly Sign In (Version 3) - PDF
868Weekly Sign In (Version 4) - PDF
1666Weekly Sign In (Version 5) - Excel
1171Weekly Sign In (Version 6) - Excel
1016Weekly Sign In (Version 6) - PDF
1322Weekly Sign In (Version 7) - PDF
1682Weekly Sign In (Version 8) - Excel
1694Weekly Sign In (Version 9) - Excel
177Weekly Sign In - PDF
888Weekly Sign In - PDF - Version 5
1015Weekly Sign In/Out W/AM-PM Verification- Excel
1116Weekly Sign In/Out W/AM-PM Verification- PDF
841Weekly Sign In/Out-Ontario- Excel
842Weekly Sign In/Out-Ontario- PDF
1681Weekly Sign In/Out-Period- PDF
1658Admin Report - Excel
1490ADP Hours Export (SSH) - CSV
1077ADP Hours Export - CSV
1535ADP Staff Tuition Export - CSV
1646ADP Times Export - CSV
1382CACFP Weekly Time Sheet
1056California Time Sheet - PDF
1502CBSD Staff Contract - PDF
1528CBSD Staff Info - Excel
1529CBSD Staff Info - PDF
887CCSD Employee Time Card - PDF
1051CDI Staff Credential - PDF
1121Daily Potential Payroll Issues - Excel
1122Daily Potential Payroll Issues - PDF
1582Daily Potential Violations - Excel
1058Daily Potential Violations - PDF
1489Daily Staff Hours (Care Code) - Excel
783Daily Staff Hours - Excel
784Daily Staff Hours - PDF
1488Daily Staff Rounded Hours - Excel
1120Daily Staff Rounded Hours - PDF
873Duplicate DoorPin - Excel
781Employee - Excel
564Employee Time Card - PDF
547Hours Export - CSV
1539Individual Training Tracking - PDF
1057Labor Actual Hours - Excel
1087Labor Hours & Wages - Excel
1698Labor Hours & Wages - Excel - Ver. 2
1088Labor Hours Comparison - Excel
1641Labor Hours Variance Report - Excel
508Labor Report - Excel
1050Labor Rounded - Excel
906Labor Statistics (Brightpath Kids) - Excel
532Labor Statistics - Excel
1463Management Check Ins/Outs Adjustment Log - Excel
1580Management Check Ins/Outs Adjustment Log - PDF
1219Missing Mandated Reporter Certificate - Excel
1577New Staff Export - CSV
1245Paid Time Off - Excel
1675Paycom Hours Export - CSV
1075Paycor Hours Export - Text
548Payroll Hours Export - CSV
1155SSH Employee Time Card - PDF
1661Staff Attendance Report - Excel
1640Staff Availability - Excel
834Staff Certificate - Excel
1678Staff Certificate Expire - Excel
1055Staff Certificate Expire - PDF
1053Staff Data- PDF
1501Staff Details - PDF
1549Staff DPW Audits - PDF
1561Staff Letter
1079Staff Payroll (ECS-PUF) - CSV
860Staff Payroll - CSV
1214Staff Payroll - CSV (OuiPay)
1586Staff Payroll Control - Excel
822Staff Payroll Control - PDF
1585Staff Payroll Control Detail - Excel
833Staff Payroll Control Detail - PDF
1579Staff Payroll Control Detail With Wages - Excel
1239Staff Payroll Control Detail With Wages - PDF
840Staff Payroll TimeSheet- Excel
1052Staff Records Grid-Star 4- PDF
531Staff Schedule Report - Excel
1504Staff Sign In by Category - PDF
1229Staff SignIn Job Sheet- PDF
891Staff SignIn Sheet- PDF
550Staff Summary Export - CSV
1618Summary of Individual Training Tracking - Excel
542Teacher Attendance Detail - Excel
565Teacher Attendance Detail - PDF
1153Teacher Roster - Excel
1691Time Sheet (Rounded) - PDF
1462Violation Summary - Excel
1581Violation Summary - PDF
1363Wage Enhancement Export - CSV
1170Weekly Payroll - Excel
1556Ccis Pelican - XML

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