Home - General
  • 28 Nov 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

Home - General

Article summary

In the General screen displays center information, location, license, CACFP detail, and more,

  1. From the navigator bar, click Home and then select General

image showing description

  1. Listing Information

    • Center ID - this ID is auto generated by the system and will not be displayed anywhere else
    • Center Name - enter the name of the center or site. Please Note: This name will appear on statements sent to families
  2. Internal Center Information

    • Internal Center ID - the identification used internally by the center
    • GL Accounting Code - enter the general ledger accounting code. This field can be used when setting up the general ledger code
    • Payroll Center Code -enter the payroll code associated with a payroll center, if applicable
    • Cost Center Type GL - enter the cost center general ledger code if the center, if applicable
    • Rate Level - if the center is associated to a rate level, click on the blue i icon. The Rate Level section will not be displayed unless a rate level is setup in the Rates section
    • Subsidiary/Brand/Division/District - select the subsidiary associated to the center, if applicable. The Subsidiary drop down list will not be displayed unless a Subsidiary is setup in the** Valid Value** section
    • GL Department - if applicable, select the GL Department from the drop-down list. The GL Department drop down list will not be displayed unless a GL Department is setup in the Valid Value section
  3. Location information - enter the address of the center

  4. License Information

    • License Number - enter the license information for the center. If multiple licenses are needed, use license 2-3 also
    • License 2 number
    • License 3 number
    • Agency Account Number - enter the agency account number for the centerCACFP Information
  5. CACFP Information

    • CACFP Enrolled Important: This option must be set to Yes to track meals on the Meals > Entry screen and the InSite Classroom Serve Meals screen.

      • Yes - the center is a member of the Child and Adult Care Food Program

      • No - the center is not a member of the Child and Adult Care Food Program

    • CACFP Account Number - enter the account number of the CACFP account

    • CACFP Sponsor Name - enter the name of the sponsor associated to the CACFP account

    • CACFP Sponsor Number - sponsors phone number

  6. Contact Information

    • Center Email (appears with listing) - enter the contact email address for the center
    • Phone Number - enter the phone number for the center
    • Fax - enter the fax number for the center, if applicable
    • Contact Name - enter the name of the contact at the center
    • Contact Email - enter the contact's email address. This is the email that will be sent the student information changes and automated emails to administrators in the system
    • Director Name - enter the name of the director of the center
    • Assistant Director Name - enter the name of the assistant director, if applicable
    • Office Coordinator Name - enter the name of the office coordinator, if applicable
    • Area Manager Name - enter the name of the area manager, if applicable
    • A/R Collector - enter the name of the A/R collector, if applicable
    • A/R Collector Email - enter the email address if the A/R collector, if applicable
    • A/R Specialist - enter the name of the A/R specialist, if applicable
    • A/R Specialist Email - enter the email address if the A/R collector, if applicable
    • A/R Inbox Email - enter the A/R inbox email address, if applicable
  7. General Information

    • Center URL - enter the website address for the center. This is the website parents will be redirected to after clicking the Logout link from the Connect Portal
    • Operating hours - enter the hours for the center
    • Licensed Capacity - enter the capacity the center is licensed for
    • Available Capacity - enter the total capacity available
    • Age Range - enter the age range of students that can attend
    • Center Type - select the type of facility the center is
      • Corporate Center
      • Employer Sponsor
      • Franchise Center
      • Developer Center
      • Corporate Owned/Contract Based
      • Home Based
    • OP Code - enter the operation code, if applicable
    • Profile - enter any profile information for the center
  8. Click Save

  • Actions Menu

There are several items in the Action menu, including:

  • Export Facility Information - all business and center level details from the Home > General screen are exported into an Excel file
  • View Center Documents - displays all documents that have been uploaded
  • View/Add Licenses - allows users to view uploaded documents and license information
  • Upload a Company Logo - allows users to upload a logo for a specific site/center
  • Setup License - allows users to add license information
  • License Tracking - view licenses within the center

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