Check-In Statistics
  • 15 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

Check-In Statistics

Article Summary

The Check-In Statistics screen is useful when trying to trouble shoot delays in the check-in routine. The amount of time taken for each part of the process is displayed, with both the average and longest time.

Getting There

  1. Dbl-click the Procare Check In shortcut on your computer desktop.

  2. Dbl-click anywhere in the gray border area around the logo (or press Esc on your keyboard), then click Statistics.

Interpreting the Statistics

User Statistics

The User Statistics section shows the number of Events (how many times it happened) and how long it took people to complete the following tasks.

User StatisticsDescription
User Identification – PIN (Personal ID Number)Time taken entering their PIN, if a PIN is used. Also includes people using the ‘bypass’ method of checking in.
User Identification – FP (Fingerprint)Time taken to press their finger on the biometric reader, if a fingerprint reader is used.
User Identification – CS (Cardswipe)Time taken to swipe their magnetic card, if a card reader is used.
Password InputTime taken to enter their password, if a password was required (such as when using a PIN).

System Statistics

In contrast, the System Statistics section shows how long it took the computer to perform certain tasks.

System StatisticsDescription
Finding the PersonTime to locate the pickup person.
Finding the Person – 2nd AttemptHow often a second attempt was needed to find them. For example, they may have had to touch the fingerprint reader twice. If 9 people were found in 1 try, and a 10th person required 2 tries, this would show as 10% (1 in 10 required a second attempt).
Finding the Person – 3rd AttemptHow often a third attempt was needed to find them. For example, they may have had to touch the fingerprint reader 3 times. If 19 people were found in 1 or 2 tries, and a 20th person required 3 tries, this would show as 5% (1 in 20 required a third attempt).
Person Not FoundHow often a person was not found after 3 attempts. For example, if a person touched the fingerprint reader 3 times and still was not found. If 99 people were found in 1, 2 or 3 tries, and a 100th person was never found, this would show as 1% (1 in 100 could not be found).
Determine ParametersTime to determine if a pickup person is eligible to pick up any children and if so, who they are. It also checks the balance for any accounts on which the pickup person is a payer and includes a check to see if they are also an employee.
Load Child InformationTime to find all information needed for children in a family such as schedules, immunizations, etc.
Load Personal MessagesTime to find any check-in messages to display for a family.
Build Check-In/Out ScreenTime to display child names and buttons on the check-in screen.
Post Database TransactionsTime to record the in/out times on the child time cards.
Total ProcessTime to complete the entire check-in process.

Day, Week, Month

Choose Day, Week or Month to show statistics as follows:

User StatisticsDescription
DayArrow through stats day by day. Go back up to 30 days.
WeekArrow through stats week by week (from Sun-Sat). Go back up to 30 days.
MonthStats for the last 30 days (including today).

Clear Statistics

Statistics are kept for the last 30 days only. Anything more than 30 days old is removed automatically. You may manually clear the current 30 days worth of statistics and start over. To do so just dbl-click the date heading at the top of the Statistics screen. Statistics are the only thing removed. No time card entries are affected.


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