Enter Data in User Defined Fields
  • 05 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Enter Data in User Defined Fields

Article Summary

Enter data into User Defined fields you created to track specific information about family accounts, children, employees or vendors. User Defined Fields are best used to record things that vary from family to family (or person to person) like their exact income, whether they qualify for a certain government program, or the date they were approved for something.

Getting There

There are two ways to access User Defined Fields:
a. Look Up a Family/Child, employee or vendor and click the User Defined Fields icon (grid with a pencil) on the toolbar of the appropriate person or account.


b. Or, a shortcut (for child fields) is to dbl-click the *User Defined *section (usually below their name, classroom, etc.) on the main screen of Family Data.


Enter data in User Defined Fields

Type information in the fields that apply to this account, child, employee or vendor and then click Save > Exit.

a. You may print a Standard Report such as one of those located under Reports > Standard Reports > Family Data > User Defined.

b. Another option is to use the Data Viewer to select only those fields you want included. There are default “views” that include User Defined Fields at the account or child information level.

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