I gave a child a Withdraw Date but they continue to show up on reports. What am I missing?
  • 19 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

I gave a child a Withdraw Date but they continue to show up on reports. What am I missing?

Article Summary

When you change a Child’s Enrollment Status to “Withdrawn” (or anything other than “Enrolled”) you would normally expect them to be excluded from certain reports, however, it depends on the report.

Rollcall & Sign In
For things like Rollcall or Sign In Sheets you’ll want to use the report Filter button to include only children enrolled as of a specified date, like today, or this week, etc. See: Sort & Filter Reports

Financial Reports
For certain financial reports, like a Customer Statement, the child’s name will be included if they were enrolled any time during the Date Range of the reports such as last month, etc.

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