Temporary Registration Number for Check In
  • 19 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Temporary Registration Number for Check In

Article summary

Each pickup person (or employee) will be assigned a random number they’ll use to register at the check in computer in order to begin checking children (or themselves) in and out.

Temporary Registration

Registration numbers for check in may be generated one person at a time (for an individual pick up person or employee) or as a batch for all authorized pickups or employees at once.

Single Registration for a Pick Up Person

Before You Begin: Make sure each child has been assigned a classroom. See: Everything Required for Child Check In

  1. Look Up a family and select any child to whom this pickup person is assigned.

  2. Click the Information & Relationships icon (3 people together) on the child toolbar.

  3. Dbl-click the photo or name of the pickup person to access their Person Information screen.

  4. Click the New Register button to generate a temporary registration number for this person.
    Note: The Registration Number is valid for 7 days. After that, just repeat the above steps to generate a new one.

  5. Give this Registration Number to the pickup person. Have them use their number to Register at the check in computer.

Single Registration for an Employee

Before You Begin: Make sure each staff member has been assigned a work area. See: Everything Required for Employee Check In.

To generate a temporary registration for one employee:

  1. Look Up an Employee and dbl-click their name on the list of employees (left side) or click the Information & Relationships icon (3 people together) on the toolbar.

  2. Click the New Register button to generate a temporary Registration Number for this person.
    Note: The Registration Number is valid for 7 days. After that, just repeat the above steps to generate a new one.

  3. Give this Registration Number to the employee. Have them use their number to Register at the check in computer.

Registration Numbers for All Pick Up Persons

Before You Begin: Make sure each child has been assigned a classroom. See: Everything Required for Child Check In.

To generate temporary registration numbers for all authorized pick up persons at once:

  1. From the main screen of Family Data & Accounting click Functions > Attendance Tracker > Temporary Registration.

  2. A prompt will make you aware that numbers will be generated for any pick up persons who have not already registered. Just click Yes.

  3. Now print a report listing all the temporary numbers. Go to Reports > Standard Reports > Attendance Tracker > Registration > Temporary Registration > click Run Report.

Registration Numbers for All Employees

Before You Begin: Make sure each staff member has been assigned a work area. See: Everything Required for Employee Check In.

To generate temporary registration numbers for all employees at once:

  1. From the main screen of Employee Data & Payroll click Functions > Temporary Registration.

  2. A prompt will make you aware that numbers will be generated for any employees who have not already registered. Just click Yes.

  3. Now print a report listing all the temporary numbers. Go to Reports > Standard Reports > Employee Data > Registration > Temporary Registration > click Run Report.

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