Child Enrollment Status / Staff Employment Status
  • 16 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Child Enrollment Status / Staff Employment Status

Article Summary

Enrollment Status (children) and Employment Status (staff) are nearly identical in the way they function. For children “Enrolled” is the status you’ll use during times a child is attending the center (now or in the future). You may create additional status levels to cover time periods when they are not enrolled such as: waiting list, pre-registered, summer break, withdrawn, etc.

For staff members “Currently Employed” is the status you’ll use for people you presently employ. You may create additional status levels to cover time periods when they are not employed such as: laid off, leave of absence, quit, fired, etc.

Getting There

  1. From the Procare Home screen click Configuration > System.
  2. Go to Data Management > Status & Relationships.
  3. Choose Children or Employees
    1. For Children: dbl-click Child’s Enrollment Status.
    2. For Employees: dbl-click Employee’s Employment Status.

Set up Enrollment & Employment Status Levels

  1. To create a new status click the top (blank) line and enter a Description like “Waiting List”.
    Important! The status “Enrolled” must be used for any actively enrolled children and “Currently Employed” must be used for any active employees. Any new status levels you create are for periods of time when a child is not enrolled or when staff members are not employed.
  2. Optional: Enter a Comment if the status requires further explanation.
  3. Click Save. Continue adding new Enrollment Status descriptions clicking Save after each one.
  4. Use the Up & Down arrows to change their order as needed, then click Exit.

Next Steps

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